Trucksfloor’s monthly fuel cost calculator allows users to compare 2 truck models of different or the same fuel types based on mileage/range, average KMs driven per day and fuel/electric price in your city. The monthly fuel cost calculator helps users make the best purchase decision that is justified economically and gives them better ROI.
To get started, select your preferred brand, model and variant. The fuel price and electricity per unit price shown in the calculator are representation values that the user can change based on the prices in their city. Other fields, such as average KM driven per day, average mileage, and range on a full charge, are shown as per the official numbers in the vehicle brochure. However, users can change these numbers as per use case to get accurate results. In the results, the fuel cost calculator for commercial cargo vehicles shows estimated fuel consumption in Litres/month and estimated running cost based on fuel consumption/month.
Trucksfloor’s fuel cost calculator allows users to understand the cost difference between using a diesel, CNG & petrol-powered truck vs an electric truck. The calculator gives the EV running cost of a truck and potential savings an EV truck buyer can make when compared to a similar category truck with diesel, CNG, or petrol fuel. This helps the buyer make an informed decision on which fuel type is best suited for his business. While making the comparison, users can select their preferred truck models and values (fuel price, electricity price, average KM driven per day, mileage and range on full charge) as per their use cases to get accurate results.